ideafox marketing overview








We are an agency that markets small businesses.  We develop effective marketing strategies using an approach that integrates placement, targeting, branding, creative content and design seamlessly in to your current business function. Through our constant communication with your management team we will find the most efficient way to increase your brand awareness and convey the right image of your company.

Every industry is unique, and through our experise we will create a strategy that includes the most important elements for your business needs. Not too long ago, print advertising such as newspaper or magazine ads were used to drive traffic. Direct mailing and billboard advertising were a couple other options. While these methods can still be effective there are now countless methods used to put your product and/or services in front of the target audience due to the digital boom. Whether your business needs an old fashioned approach using sales catalogs, direct mailings, etc. or whether your business needs a social media and SEO plan we will develop a strategy to increase awareness and grow your brand.

strategic planning for your small business





Strategic marketing planning is the process that the company goes through to create and implement an effective marketing strategy. Our strategic marketing planning takes several aspects of company marketing and promotion into consideration. There are several aspects that contribute to strategic marketing planning include identifying promotional opportunities and evaluating opportunities by 1) researching, analyzing and identifying the target markets, 2) developing a strategic position and how to implement the strategy 3) preparation and implementation of the marketing plan, 4) and measuring and evaluating the results of the marketing efforts of the company.

target marketing







The definition of a target market is a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services. Your business is unique and properly identifying the correct target consumer is crucial to positioning marketing efforts properly and efficiently. These are the steps we will use to define your consumer groups. 1) Defining your product or services niche. Do you have the most expensive product on the market? Are you differentiated in the marketplace? What does your company do to set yourself apart? All very good questions. 2) Identifying who your product or service is for. If you have been in business for some time you will more than likely already know the answers to #1 and #2. 3) Grouping consumers in to more broad demographics like age, gender, geographical location and/or income. 3) Next is to take those groups and disect them even further, for example job titles, interests, marital status, etc. 4) Once defined we start the process of creating the correct message and using the right avenues to reach these people. A correctly identified target consumer is crucial to being efficient with our budget and ROI.

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Did You Know?

That Facebook has 1.71 BILLION active monthly users? Did you know you can pinpoint your target audience as precise as their relationship status, musical interests, what sports team they follow, what college they went to and what degree they studied? This is just a few examples of hundreds of ways to segment your target market through social media.

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